Saturday, March 10, 2007

Amazing Etheric Healing Techniques


The Secret of Etheric Healing is another great way to learn how to be an effective healer and is simple and easy to do once you understand how the etheric body works in humans.

The easy and clear technique revealed in the book will help you to be able to assist friends and relatives and clients to begin to fix the etheric body of man and to really make your Reiki treatments really amazing.

The techniques taught in this book makes it really easy to heal the etheric body which then translates to show the body how it can heal.

The E-book reveals how easy it is to tune into the person needing healing and then using the Rays of healing and certain images the body will once again understand how it can heal.

Once you have mastered the basic technique the book will show you how to:

1.)heal infected lungs and kidneys,
2.)how to fix broken bones and arthritic hands
3.)And i have now due to popular demand added the back pain technique, as so many people seem to be suffering from back problems of some sort.

You will be amazed at the simplicity of the techniques shown to you in the book and how the healing rays can really make such a difference when working with the etheric body of sick and injured people.

If you are a healer and want to work with the healing rays from god in a physical way then this is the spiritual healers tool box to help you bring amazing results to your clients.

The ability to heal the etheric lies dormant in each of us and with a bit of knowledge and practice on your part you can once again be an effective healer.

The picture above is a snap shot of the type of images used to help a cracked disc in the back and how the images and working with the rays of light from god can bring amazing healing to the etheric level of the body and thus easily can manifest on the physical level of the body. Once the body recognises the process by which it can heal itself, healing happens or increases at a rapid rate upto ten times faster.

To get your hands on this amazing e-book


Thursday, March 8, 2007

What is REIKI? Why learn REIKI hands and feet System?

Hands and Feet

What is Reiki?

How do you learn how to doit?

Why channel Reiki?

How does it work for me?

Were can you get it?

Reiki means universal life force energy.

Rei= Universal Light

Ki= Life force energy

Rei as universal light is the awareness that the world is imperenance and indivisible light that emerges from the source(god) as love, bliss, energy. While Ki (Japanese)is the Prana(sanskrit) or Chi (Chinese) or orgone energy which gives us life and sustains consciousness.

To learn Reiki hands and feet is a step into the sacredness of life itself as divine and is here and now, non seperate and felt as a warm healing glow.

If you are lost in the illusions of the mind and the constant emotional reaction to lifes challenges and forgotten the transcendental and sublime sacred space of the here and now and seek to reconnect with the universal light which is in harmony with itself then Reiki hands and feet self attunements and meditations is now available to learn.

The Sacred initiations, symbols and healing meditations opens your channels to the awareness and truth of god and light and wipes away doubt and fear as you feel the light that transcends all things as a warm glow in your body and hands and thus your being can now begin to fully express its true essence.

Reiki hands and feet is a initiation into the true nature of life and light and that with understanding can liberate the mind from false beleifs and misguided idealism.Slowly as the Reiki works within you your thoughts and mental anxieties drop away, you will again begin to see clearly that in the here and now is silence, beauty and joy as the mystery of life unfolds before you and that you can respond authentically and from a clear understanding that everything arises in light and love and is connected to the source as perfect harmony and not out of the projection of fear or that it needs to change or be dispelled but is what it is.

By recognising and experiencing the connectedness of all things through Reiki the divine will begin to permeate through all things you touch and connect too.To learn to meditate and to truly clear the smokey mirror of your mind relationships will begin to change and your heart will begin to sing with joy and the years of depressive thinking shall lift out of your aura and your true spiritual life will begin.

Thanks to Dr Usui who after years of meditating and learning the scriptures of the bhudda and the esoteric teachings of the Christ was initiated into the light that is indivisible love, is sacred and is already perfect and permeates all things as unconditional love energy.

It is this realisation and perfect state that Reiki hands and feet teaches and shows you as real light and real abilities to heal yourself and others is once again awakened within you.This Universal light that is love bliss and one withitself and only realised and experienced and something beyond the mind is the secret that Reiki is gifted to you as a sacred act of initiation and truly sublime knowledge.

So here it is finaly, i have made available the Reiki hands and feet system as a self initiation method and amazing meditations to help humanity liberate themselves from dis-ease and to once again learn to heal in the indivisible sacred light of love bliss.

An initiated heart into universal light and ki is the final step needed for true aspirants to begin to live an active spiritual life in the grace and light that is the HERE and NOW!


Richard Prasham