Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Secrets of the Etheric Body

Secrets of Etheric Healing

The Etheric body (ether means the state between energy and matter) is composed of tiny energy lines which look like a web of light beams and has the same structure as the physical body including all the anatomical parts and all the organs.
The web like structure of the etheric body is seen clairvoyantly as a bluish white light that moves along static energy lines that weave along the entire dense physical body.(see fig1 below.) Physical tissue actually exists as such only because of the vital field behind them, that is the etheric field exists prior to, not as a result of the physical body just like a leafs energy system, the etheric structure sets up a matrix for the cells to grow into and thus the cells of the leaf grow along the lines of the etheric matrix.The etheric body extends from one quarter to two inches beyond the physical body and pulsates about 15-20 cycles per minute.
The color of the etheric body varies from a light blue to a gray depending on the sensitivity of the person and when the physical body becomes diseased or damaged due to a sore,infection,cut or break so is the etheric body is damaged and the lines of light become broken or torn and leave a gaping hole or have web lines of light flowing freely like wind blown streamers. Eventually these lines of light reform as a mattered scar of light or dont heal properly at all and loss of physical movement or numbness occurs until these lines are separated and reform.
If you have a sore or scab on your skin now you can easily feel this etheric hole or scab by running your finger about a ¼ of an inch above the sore and you will feel the break in the etheric body as a prickly feeling on your finger or as a cool spot above the sore.
Now knowing that the etheric body is made of light you can easily repair the sore by “tuning”
into the etheric body like before and with your finger chanel blue light into the etheric body and reconnect these blue lines of light by smoothing over the etheric body with your finger running up and down above the sore until you nolonger feel the the prickly sensation or until the area feels smooth.
Further healing can occur for organs, breaks, infections etc by reading my newly released book the amazing secrets of etheric healing or if you want to learn how to be a greater chanel of healing light then check out my reikihandsandfeet system e-books and i will show you how to attune yourself to reiki and thus learn how to channel light for etheric healing and then you will be able to help heal physical disease upto 7 times faster than normal or even problems that would not heal before will begin to heal properly once the blue etheric matrix is replaced so the cells can know how to replce the damage that has occurred.

To discover more about Etheric healing